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¿Qué es?

Comité de ética

de la investigación


At Fundación Cuidarte Health Research and Education - CINEDSA, people's health and well-being constitute the cornerstone of everything we do. This is why research ethics occupies a primary place in our mission. To ensure compliance with the highest ethical standards in the research projects we support, we have established an independent and vitally important body: The Research Ethics Committee (REC).

Our CEI is distinguished by its independent nature, which means that it operates with complete autonomy from particular interests or institutional biases. Furthermore, it is characterized by its plurality, as it is made up of highly qualified professionals from various disciplines related to health, social sciences and law. This diversity of perspectives enriches the analysis and guarantees fair and balanced decision-making.

Within the framework of Good Clinical Practices (GCP) and the ethical principles of health research, the CINEDSA CEI ensures respect for the dignity, rights and well-being of research participants. Their work includes the rigorous review of research protocols, the evaluation of potential risks and benefits for participants, and the supervision of project development to ensure their adherence to current regulatory frameworks.

del comité

In compliance with Colombian regulations, the CINEDSA CEI is made up of 


1. A researcher (1).

2. An expert in research methodology (1)

3. A bioethicist (1).

4. A lawyer (1).

5. A representative of the community or volunteer services (1).

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