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¿Qué hacemos?

Proyectos sociales

Fundación Cuidarte Health Research and Education - CINEDSA offers a series of social capital options to support vulnerable populations, health professionals and technicians, family caregivers of chronically ill patients, and patients with functional dependency. These options are designed to promote solidarity, cooperation and capacity development in these populations.

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Dependencia funcional

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Profesionales y técnicos de la salud

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Cuidadores de enfermos crónicos

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¿Cómo acceder a las opciones de capital social de CINEDSA?

To access CINEDSA's social capital options, interested people can contact the foundation through its website, its social networks or its offices. CINEDSA offers an evaluation process to determine the eligibility of applicants.

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Impacto de las opciones de capital social de CINEDSA

CINEDSA's social capital options will have a positive impact on the populations they support. They have contributed to improving the quality of life of people in vulnerable situations, health professionals and technicians, family caregivers of chronically ill people and patients with functional dependency.

For example, CINEDSA support networks provide accompaniment and emotional support to people who have suffered the loss of a loved one. CINEDSA's training and training has helped health professionals and technicians develop their skills and improve the care they provide to their patients. Support for family caregivers of chronically ill people has helped these people cope with the demands of their work and maintain the quality of life of their loved ones. And the social inclusion of patients with functional dependence has contributed to these people feeling part of society and having the same opportunities as others.

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